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What's on in Italy in June
June in Italy

Food and Wine Festivals in Italy in June:

Nemi, June 2-3 and 9 -10, Sagra delle Fragole e dei Fiori
Renowned for its strawberries and flowers, the town of Nemi organizes a colorful yearly festival celebrating local traditions while women in local costume distribute free flowers and strawberries.
See: Sagra delle Fragole Nemi.

Fiumicino, first week-end of June, Sagra del Pesce

Pesaro, beginning of June, Grande Festa della Birra
The JuneBeerFest celebrating the microbreweries and craft beers from all over Italy takes place at the beginning of June.

San Bartolomeo al Mare, mid-June, A Tuttoliva
A festival celebrating the olive.

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Special Events, Processions and Celebrations

June 2 is the day of the Infiorata in many towns and regions of Italy.

Peschiera del Garda (Vr), beginning of June, La Battaglia del Mincio 1814,

Vigonza (Padova), beginning of June, Rievocazione di Petracha

Ponza, June 20, San Silverio
In the historical center and on the sea, this is a much awaited event by the Ponzese people. The day starts with fireworks and goes on with several celebrations in honor of the patron saint of the island.

Bordano (Udine), last but one Sunday of June (usually), Butterfly Safari.
See: Butterfly Safari of Bordano.

For more latest news in Italy see our blog, Slow Italy.
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Photos of the banner (from left to right): (on campus) Sean Locke, (red deckchair) Valentina Jori, (chianti botlle) Donald Gruener, (Vitruvian man) Jodie Coston, (coliseum), Roberto A Sanchez, (Fiat 500) tizianoj,
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